WPSA - Česká pobočka

Ohlasy na nedávno skončenou konferenci Egg and Meat 2007, Prague

Sympózia se zúčastnilo 256 lidí z 36 zemí

I would like to express my thanks for your hospitality during the European Symposia in Prague. The meetings have had a great success for the good organization and the large attendance.

Best regards

Prof.Dr. Achille Franchini
President European Federation
World's Poultry Science Association
Department of Food Science
Alma Mater Studiorum- Universita di Bologna

Thanks for putting on a great meeting in Prague.

Doug Smith

I also want to express my thanks for chance to come to lovely Prag. Your Symposium gave me the chance to meet many scientists and to be familiar with latest achievements in poultry science. Thank you very much,

Tomasz Lesiów

I am very content with the scientific program and the contributions that I took part of and personally really enjoyed my stay in Praha.

Yours sincerely

Walle Lowgren
AgrD, Poultry Nutritionist

Thank you very much for the wonderful symposia. They went very well and were very informative and enjoyable.
with best wishes,

Julie Roberts

Thank you for the opportunity and invitation to visit Prague... We have thoroughly enjoyed the venue, the meeting and the hospitality.
With best wishes.

S. F. "Sarge" Bilgili, Professor
Graduate Program Officer
Department of Poultry Science
Auburn University

Thank you very much. My Wife and I had a very good time.
Ed Moran

Datum poslední úpravy : 5.10.2007
©by Kalinak 2007